Out of, well you could call it a morbid curiosity, I started surfing around some pro ana sites. I guess I was just curious about how those people think.
I'm just gonna quote a few:
Q: "any tips on how to make yourself throw up would be very m
uch appreciated! i've tried several times before but been unsuccessful every time! ugh i need help!"
A: "As much water as you can take whle eating. I drink 2 glasses before i eat anything and then take sips after every bit , once im finished eating i drink another glass. It helps to bring the food up. When i have finished purging i drink another glass of water....wait 10 mins
then purge again. Works everytime. Hope this helps.x"
"Oh my gosh, I just puked so hard my head is killing me! My throat is sore, and my eyes hurt.
But I'm down some weight. I've been restricting like crazy, and when I do eat, I usually just throw up until I'm dry heaving. Soon I'll have more self control. But for now, thank you, Mia, for holding my hair back."
"so i was doing so good today... and then a rep had to bring in these delicious-looking pastries.... so i ate one, then i looked up the cals on my calorie c
ounter app and found out there's 600 cals in just that 1 stupida pastry i ate.... so i drunk a ton of water and emptied my tummy....so much better! teaches me to eat something before i know what's in it! holy crap! i really hate purging but i almost feel like it brings more relief than not eating at all...and my tummy feels soooo empty and little! now if someone could just do something about that damn splashing.....! lol" <-- why is this funny????
Q:"I hate vomiting. its really hard for me and i end up bleeding a lot and It hurts and I can't get everything up. Im looking for everybodys fav lax brands. I want s
omething that will flush out my whole system fast. Time in the WC isn't a concern. Help!"
A:"i dont have a favorite per se but i have found for me that th
e ones with bisocodyl work fastest and best... the ones with senna
take a long time but they dont seem to cause as much cramping but they also dont clean me out as well either... i dont know how else to explain... please be careful if using lax - u dont really lose weight only essential vitamins and stuff and they mess up the electrolytes... believe me i know i was
addicted to them and fight constantly to not get back on them... sometimes i make it and other times i take a ton anyway just to get that empty feeling and to punish myself for having eaten... but i make myself limit to one time cuz once ive done it 3 days in a row - im hooked again and getting off took a hospital stay each time..."
Aaaaaand there's so much more!
Are you scared?
I know I am.
I can't imagine people living like that, thinking like that. I've never read anything scarier in my life.
And what's worse, they out these kind of photos to spice it up:

Sadly, all these photos are from people who want to loose more weight! I'm speachless, I have nothing to say about this because it's too sad. To think about yourself in such superficial way is wrong. Being fat is dangerous for health and, in that case, you sohuld loose weight. But being thin and wanting to be thin is sick. I hope that these kind of pro ana sites will one day disappear cos they're making people sick.
I'm gonna go eat now ok
OMG.. this is sick! O.O I can't understand that there are people who think this is beautifull!
I know!!!!! I had cold chills while I was reading this. So sad, for those poor people...
ReplyDeletewill be following :)
ReplyDeleteSo scary.... Make the scary people go aaawaaay!
Stupid people...stupid, stupid people!!!
It's not healthy, and certainly not beautiful!!!
They are stupid and they're gonna die stupid...very soon.
Thanks Violetta =D
ReplyDeleteThis is scary, really really scary =/