Life goes on, I just have to get all my things together an move on.
Yesterday ( was it yesterday) I slept over my best friends house! It was a long walk! I didn't go by public transportation, no, I decided to walk! There's no traffic through this street at weekends so it was a nice long walk. Somewhere half through it I was very thirsty and hot! It was a cold night with these warm winds blowing. Quite nice. I enjoyed it a lot!
There was only one person I saw during my walk, an old man. I took a photo but he was too far away ahead of me. I used slow granny steps so the walk would be a bit longer ( I had reasons gor that :3)!

I took a photo of this beautiful tree on the way. I don't know why it looked so magical to me at the moment. The colours are so beautiful, I hate autumn weather but the colors of leaves is so prety! Especially when winds starts blowing and it's floating through the air... Priceless!

We had so much fun at her place! And we had 2 bottles of wine.. yeah, that gave me a headache in the morning! Playlist of the night was: dubstep... Tori Amos.. Fiona Apple.. Queen.. Pink Floyd and for the end we watched old Michael Jackson videos, danced to it and ate tomatoes! Great night!
Unfortunately I had to wake up early but I managed to take a photo of this beauty!

Aki is his name, cuteness is game!
^ ^